- 5am Inverleith park.
- Anemones.
- Anemones.
- A place of safety.
- Berwick harbour.
- Berwick upon Tweed.
- Black swan.
- Black tulips.
- Book of hours.
- Central panel.
- Cornflower boy.
- Cygnus.
- Dalilama.
- Days
- Easy Tiger.
- Egob.ound
- Flowerboy.
- Gabriel.
- Gathering.
- Genesis.
- Golden hare.
- Golden Vein.
- Hare.
- I stood still.
- Just because.
- Lost souls.
- Love is but an indea.
- My heart in hiding.
- Nocturne.
- Oragne tree. Dalyan.
- Pansies with Francis.
- Picasso parrot.
- Prayer.
- Queenspark.
- Ranunccio.
- Room for St John.
- Seven days.
- Snowdrops.
- Sparrow.
- Sparrows.
- Spell to bring.
- Still pond.
- The beacon.
- The dream.
- The Nightingale.
- Waiting.
- What happens when you cry.
- While dreams.
- Wind.
- Your hour.